速報APP / 生活品味 / Weather Tricks

Weather Tricks





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Weather Tricks(圖1)-速報App

The weather conditions of a place can be changed by casting the Weather Spells. These spells can control winds, rain, and temperature. These spells are cast outdoors. The weather will be back to normal once the effect of the spell ends. The spells can change the direction of winds. These types of spells were used by people right from ancient times. Since these spells can change the weather they can be used to bring relief to people who live in a particular place which is affected by severe drought.

When the people are desperately waiting for the rain these spells can change the weather conditions and bring showers in that particular area. These spells will be effective for a limited area of few square miles only since no force on earth can completely control Mother Nature. Apart from the rain spell, there are other types of spells also like storm spell, sunny skies spell, snow spell, water control spell and other spells that control various other elements. Since these spells can be effective only over a small region, those who cast these spells may have to cast the same weather spell again and again.

The storm spells are cast for getting fertile soil so that barren fields can be converted into fertile land. A wooden spoon, water in a bowl, sea salt and a red candle are used to cast the spell and the caster will sit under a banyan tree facing a barren land while casting the weather spell. Sunny skies spell will bring clear, bright sky after stopping rain, hurricanes, and tornados. A bowl of water, salt, and an orange colored candle are required to cast this spell.

Weather Tricks(圖2)-速報App

Water control spell enables a person to control water through energy manipulation. Those who want to cast this spell have to practice daily to control water through energy manipulation. Daily meditation is also necessary to get the power for Hydrokinesis. When a person has the ability to control his mind he will be able to cast these spells successfully.

The Weather Spells have the power to make it snow during winter. Those who practice meditation daily will be able to cast this weather spell perfectly throughout the winter and elevate their power. There is also a Storm Spell which has the power to create a storm. A sprig of broom, water in a bowl, sea salt, a wooden spoon and a red candle is required for casting this spell. A piece of the broom plant may be used instead of the broom which is used to sweep the floor. For casting this weather spell the piece of a broom is very essential and there is no substitute for the broom. Within a few days of casting the spell, a storm starts forming on the horizon.

While casting Weather Spells brooms are used not only to create a storm but also to bring rain. The ancient Dutch people used to bring rain by striking the river with a broom and then sprinkling the water on the broom towards heaven. The other methods to bring rain including stirring the water in a hole in the ground using the finger and boiling hog bristles in a pot.

Weather Tricks(圖3)-速報App

Here is a Preview of What You'll Find:

• Call a Storm Spell

• Fire of Renewal Spell

Weather Tricks(圖4)-速報App

• Wind Controlling Spell

• Stop the Rain Spell

• Snow Spell

Weather Tricks(圖5)-速報App

• Sun Spell

• Cloud Breaker Spell

• Rain Dispelling Spell

Weather Tricks(圖6)-速報App

• Much, Much More Weather Spells!

Download Your Weather Spells Copy Today!

Weather Tricks(圖7)-速報App